Latvian teachers acquiring skills to train youth for a greener future

10 teachers from education institutions of Latvia are currently taking part in “Good DEEDs” online training and are busy drafting the plan for the piloting phase of the methodology with their students, which will commence in January 2023.
The participant selection was done through an open call on Valsts izglītības satura centrs (VISC) website and multiple applications from educators from all over Latvia were received. The professional backgrounds of teachers shortlisted and currently involved in “Good DEEDs” project training are quite varied. Those are experts who teach about computer networks and systems, photo design, natural sciences as to Latvian language and history.

This suggests that notwithstanding the background or qualification the educators are in general interested in expanding their expertise about digital sustainability and in raising their students’ awareness on current technologies, their usage habits and finding out what environmental impact these actions might have.
We are quite excited to soon find out what companies the school teams will team up with to make the digital energy consumptions audits and what educational resources will be developed as the result of this experience!