Secondary school Cocchi-Aosta – Todi

Address: P.le Gianfabrizio Degli Atti, 1, 06059 Todi (Perugia) – ITALY
Telephone: +39 075 8942327
The ‘Cocchi-Aosta’ institute responds to the formative and educational needs of the girls and boys of the territory with a fair and inclusive educational offer of quality, aimed at the acquisition of basic and transversal competences that allow them to fully exercise their European Citizenship rights, for an effective inclusion in future social and productive life.
Ours is a broad community that includes boys and girls and their families, teachers and all school staff. A Community within the broader Community of Municipal Administrations, Associations, Third Sector entities and the economic fabric.
The Educational Offer proposed allows students to acquire not only solid humanistic and expressive skills but also a valid scientific and technological background that enables them to tackle subsequent study paths in line with the constantly evolving processes of technological and digital evolution.
The institute provides its educational offerings in four plexuses that are closely connected: Todi centre, Todi Pantalla, Fratta Todina and Collepepe.
In recent years, the institute has undertaken a profound process of innovation and improvement of the educational offer and learning environments, with particular attention to inclusion processes.
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