
The energy consumption of digitization, challenges and opportunities in Greece
Particularly revealing about the new challenges of the energy system are the results of a Commission study dealing with the issue of energy consumption of

Green energy means a win-win scenario for Turkey
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) published a report examining the employment and social impacts of the transition to

Eight ways to reduce your digital carbon footprint
With every activity we do in our daily lives, we release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere – it’s called the carbon footprint. When we all

A guide to the digital carbon footprint and how to reduce it
During the first few months of the isolation resulting from the COVID 19 pandemic, in 2020, Internet use grew by 40%, using 42.6 million megawatt-hours

We use information technologies for entertainment, work and to relate to each other. But do we know the climate impact of the emails we send, videos we watch or group conversations we have?
A study published in 2021 indicates that the carbon footprint of digitization is greater than previous estimates and that, if not changed, it will continue

Moving towards the European Green Deal
Latvia along with other EU countries aims to achieve the targets set by the European Green Deal and transform the economic life in order to

Are we aware of the negative consequences that the use of digital devices has on the environment?
We are increasingly aware of the impact of our actions on the environment. We recognize that waste, wastewater or carbon emissions are largely responsible for

Green transformation of ICT in Greece
The green transformation of the ICT sector is one of the ten key priorities of the European Commission so that it becomes climate neutral by

Italy’s impact on the transformation towards a more digital and sustainable Government
Italy’s digital transformation in particular encouraged information sharing among members in order for governments to make the most of digital technologies to better serve the