Rīgas Stila un modes tehnikums
Riga Style and Fashion Technical College is a vocational education competence centre with more than 55 years of experience in training young professionals.
Our mission:
A professional education platform where our knowledge and experience meet creativity and curiosity to build a secure future.
Our values:
- Recognition – a sign of quality and the image of the technical college
- Creativity – in our educational process and in our essence
- Growth – attraction to European standards and the pursuit of challenging ideas and goals
- Environmental and human security – in our attitudes and way of thinking, in the environment of the technical college, in the microclimate and in the consumption, choice and circulation of resources
- Experience and continuity – in the knowledge of our teachers, in the exchange of experience between craftsmen and in the provision of new professional traineeships
- People as sources of ideas, carriers of value and recipients of knowledge.
latest news

The energy consumption of digitization, challenges and opportunities in Greece
Particularly revealing about the new challenges of the energy system are the results of a Commission study dealing with the issue of energy consumption of

Green energy means a win-win scenario for Turkey
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) published a report examining the employment and social impacts of the transition to

Eight ways to reduce your digital carbon footprint
With every activity we do in our daily lives, we release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere – it’s called the carbon footprint. When we all