Technological High School of Mechatronics and Automation

The Technological High School of Mechatronics and Automation
Address: Mitropolit Varlaam Street 54
Telephone: +40 232 237 710
The Technological High School of Mechatronics and Automation was established on 1st September, 2013, by the coming together of three independent schools – each with a long-standing tradition in technical education – as part of a larger high school restructuring scheme.
The first and largest mechatronics and automation high school in Iași, it allows students to focus on their specific interests and provides them with the resources and the environment to do so, while offering professional qualifications that match the requirements of the European labour markets: mechatronic technician and automation technician. At the same time, the institution offers the possibility of complementary qualifications in the fields of mechanics, electricity, electromechanics and electronics, automation, transport, multimedia production and IT. Due to its programs, the Technological High School of Mechatronics and Automation is among the few in Iași that can cover the entire spectrum of student training following lower secondary education: day and evening high school classes, vocational education and post-secondary education.
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