“Spagna-Campani” Technical-Vocational secondary school Spoleto

Address: Via Visso snc
Spoleto, Perugia, 06049
Telephono: +39 0743 220343 – 074344546
“Spagna-Campani” Technical-Vocational secondary school of the city of Spoleto includes the two sectors of the technical institutes: economic and technological; and two courses of the professional institutes: maintenance and technical assistance and industry and craftsmanship for the Made in Italy.
The age range goes from 14 to 18. The institute is situated in two buildings located in the city centre the previous, in the immediate suburbs the second. Both structures are equipped with parking lots, their own gyms and numerous laboratories: computer laboratories (10), multimedia / linguistic laboratories (3), scientific laboratories (Chemistry (2), Physics (2), Science (2)), laboratories professionals (Electrotechnics, Electronics, Robotics, Mechanics). There are also interactive digital monitors in all the classrooms to allow, also through the use of the G Suite platform, the activation of DDI and BYOD thanks to the possibility of having access to the wireless network of the institution to students, upon reservation by teachers. There are also two libraries: a traditional one and an innovative library that offers so-called “activity zones” spaces dedicated to creative consultation (“internet zone” with fixed positions, “iPuff zone” with mobile devices, “interactive zone” with interactive projector, “cinema forum” zones “with projection screen).
It also includes an “e-lending platform” MLOL (Media Library On Line) accessible at any time of the day for “digital loan” and for the use of large quantities of textual and multimedia materials. The mission of the institute is the promotion of the personal, cultural, professional and social growth of students through: 1-the development of the technological and professional areas, not only in the didactic activities and school workshops, but also through a constant and dialectical relationship with the territory and the productive world, 2- the prevention and recovery of early school leaving and failure, 3- the acquisition by the students of the fundamental civil and social values and 4-the achievement of the autonomy of their personal choices and professional. The school also undertakes to respect the needs of the student and to transform individual potential into abilities as much as possible, with particular attention to both disabled and foreign students and to excellence. It has established forms of collaboration with a plurality of institutional, economic and third sector actors.
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