Escola Profissional de Ciências Geográficas- Professional School of Geographical Sciences

Escola Profissional de Ciências Geográficas – Professional School of Geographical Sciences
Address: Artilharia 1 107 Piso 1
1099-052 Lisboa
Telephone: +351 213 819 644
The Professional School of Geographical Sciences (EPCG), created by Ordinance nº 809/2000 of September 22nd, is part of the network of professional schools of public education with functional connection to the General Directorate of School Establishments (DGEstE), of the Ministry of Education and Sciences (MEC), and works in premises of the General Directorate of the Territory (DGT), of the Ministry of the Environment, Territorial Planning and Energy (MAOTE), and with the support of this public body.
Erasmus+ KA102-077976-“Ser Mais, Ser Melhor” (2020/2023)
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