“Emil Racovita” National College

The ”Emil Racovita” National College
Address: Nicolina Al. 4
Telephone: +40232 234 272
Website: www.racovita.ro
CNER, a general secondary education institution situated in the NE of Romania, is one of the best schools in the region and the country, due to the students’ results in national exams as well in national and international competitions and Olympiads in various subjects. The shool has around 1000 students, ages between 10/11 to 18/19 years old. The core curriculum classes cover subjects such as Mathematics and Informatics, Romanian language, foreign languages (English is the first foreign language, with intensive study in almost half of the classes, German, French, Spanish as an optional course), Sciences (Chemistry, Physics, Biology), Social Sciences (in higher secondary school), Social Education (lower secondary schools), History, Geography, Arts, Music, Phisycal Education, Technologies (lower secondary education). Students and teachers are also involved in extracurricular activities and different types of projects.
– two Erasmus projects Erasmus+ key action 2 “Partnership for Cooperation” 2021-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000030533 InterPlusValue parcours de formation Europe+Educ and 2022-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000089973 Soif d’Europe – school international partnerships with Liceo Mascheroni from Bergamo, Italy, and Lycée Sévigné, Rennes, France – the Crocus project and a TOLI project Places of Memory (Holocaust studies) – IasiMun, a conference organised in our school for many years (United Nations Model), every year in November |
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